Thursday, May 14, 2020

Lumion Images

My design explored how different components of a building can interact harmoniously to reflect the importance of collaboration and in the educational process. Central to the building is the library and shared learning areas, which disperse in different direction but ultimately intersect and combine.

Google Drive Containg Lumion and Sketchup Files:

Moving Elements

Sunday, April 5, 2020

These were the original Floor Plans that drew inspiration from

These are the floor plans that I modified to change their spaces.

The Cross

Having troubles with Lumion so have not been able to render these images

Assignment 2: Theory

Technology is radically shaping the city around us, just as it always has. Where previous technologies like the car, the elevator and the siege engine defined urbane form with crude, broad brushstrokes, contemporary technologies such as autonomous systems, the Internet of Things, machine intelligence, on-demand generation and super-local storage, and shareable spaces and services promise to transform the urban fabric into a quite different pattern: distributed, lightweight adaptable, cooperative, participative. They may enable much of the 'cruft' left by the 20th-century technologies to be excised from the city, allowing life, human and otherwise to spring forth once again.

Hill, Dan. "Small Pieces Loosely Joines': Practices for Super-local Participative Urbanism," Architecutral Design 75, no.1 (2005): 68.

Architecture is a reflection of available technology and its inherent ideologies. Modern technology has connected people from all over the world, and with it, has enforced the importance of interconnections and shareable spaces. Architecture which has synchronous elements nurture growth through co-operation and collaboration between people, and with that, new ideas.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Sketchup Model with Stairs

This model was created after inspiration word of "Rings" and "Flowing." The above ground depicts rings of different direction interacting with each other to make a skeleton-like facade to the structure. The building "flows" into its lower floor via a circular, whirlpool-like stair structure that allows circulation from all directions of the upper room.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Stair Sections

The following collection of sketches are section of our own designs of staircases that we have developed to implement in our buildings. The top row depict side section while the bottom provides a front section of the staircase.

The staircase I chose to further develop and explore later was sketched in the first column. This idea reflected what I wanted my building to encapsulated, "flow", better that any of the other ideas.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Sketchup Model from Section Sketch

 This was my original sketch infusing elements of "Merging" and "Flowing Architecture." The circular objects seemingly melting into each other was intended to give the look as if the balls were merging together while below the Datum, the building "flowed" into the earth below.

Modelling this in Sketch-up proved to be difficult especially working with such shaped. The birds eye view and side perspective view of the building give detail in the contours and gradients of the structure.

Section Sketches derived from Descriptive Words

After selecting two clients, we were tasked to construct a series of 18 sections based on two of the words we selected. 

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Week 1: Meeting the Clients

Based off the following images from our clients, we were to choose 3 words: a noun, verb and adjective. 

the_kyza ( Khyzyl Saleem, @the_kyza on Instagram): Vehicle, Balance, Warm
Cleo Gold Snake Earrings. Egyptian Style. Cleopatra. Bold statement jewellery. Mountain & Moon. Australian Jewellery Design. Ethical Fashion. Gold.

Mountain & Moon (Audrey Allen and Ashton Cameron, Ring, Merging, Entwined 

Trent Jansen Studio ( Ripple, Flowing, Flexible